Friday, November 4, 2016

Week 11: Religion and Reform

This week, we will be learning more about reform movements that swept the country during the 19th century. Religious tent revivals.  Writers and artists with new looks on life.  The importance of education.  Reforming criminals.  Preserving the family through ridding life of alcohol.  Freeing slaves.  Giving women a voice.  All these things took root during this time, and grew into what we now know.  

Vocabulary (Google Slide)

  1. Second Great Awakening
  2. Evangelical
  3. Mormon
  4. Transcendentalist
  5. Public School Movement
  6. Penitentiary Movement
  7. Temperance Movement
  8. Freedmen
  9. Abolitionist Movement
  10. Gag Rule
  11. Seneca Falls Convention
  12. Suffrage
  13. Women's Movement
Monday 11.7: 4.6 Religious Awakening
Tuesday 11.8:  4.7 Reforming Society (MAKE SURE YOUR FAMILY VOTES!)
Wednesday 11.9:  4.8 Antislavery Movement
Thursday 11.10:  4.9 Women's Movement
Friday 11.11:  Honor those who are serving or have served our country!  Happy Veterans' Day!!

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