Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 14: The Union in Crisis

Watch THIS before you do anything!! 

First off, if you haven't finished watching "How the West Was Won" click HERE and finish the movie.  Put your notes in the box and I will grade them as soon as my "normal" returns!!

After that is completed, you have vocabulary words for this week! Yay!! Add these to your notebooks.  If you have not gotten yours back, it should still be in the box.  The definitions for all these words are in the back of the textbook.

  1. Wilmot-Proviso
  2. Popular Sovereignty
  3. Secede
  4. Compromise of 1850
  5. Fugitive Slave Act
  6. Underground Railroad
  7. Kansas-Nebraska Act
  8. "Bleeding Kansas"
  9. Know-Nothings
  10. Confederate States of America
When you have time to get your definitions done, you will be watching America: The Story of US (Episode 4: Division).  There is a viewing guide of questions for you to answer.  When you have finished this, please turn it in.  HERE is a copy of your questions.

We will start on the Civil War tomorrow!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week Twelve: Religion and Reformers Wrap Up

This week, we will wrap our studies of the reform movements that followed the Second Great Awakening.  

Check this out for some interesting facts during this time period!!!

This week's vocabulary will be people who were influential during this time.  Please create a definition for them and instead of a synonym, write what movement they were a part of.

Week 12: Key Reformers

  1. Charles Grandison Finney
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. Dorothea Dix
  3. William Lloyd Garrison
  4. Frederick Douglass
  5. Sojourner Truth
  6. Lucretia Mott
  7. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Sunday, November 6, 2016

11.7.16 Second Great Awakening

Today, you will be learning about the Second Great Awakening: What is it? What caused it? What did it lead to?  You will be doing so through a series of videos and an article from Khan Academy.  Many of you loved Khan Academy for math, now let's apply that love to American History...who knew!! So, here is your To-Do list for the day...

  1. Watch...actually stop talking and WATCH CNN Student News. Tomorrow is Election Day, and I want you to be exposed to as much of it as you can, plus you all need to know why it feels like 10:30 and it is only 9:30.  
  2. Work on your vocabulary.  A link to the definitions is in the post from last week directly below.  Get all of your definitions done, before moving on.  It is another short week and you have extra words, so take advantage of this time.
  3. You will need a handout (linked HERE) to answer questions with the videos and as you read an article.  YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS INDEPENDENTLY.  If you have earbuds, use these, OR keep your volume low to not disturb others.  You will all be at different points throughout the day, and it could get quite confusing. Below are links to the videos and article.  All the answers are there and in order.  So replay certain parts if you need to. ****If the videos do not work, play them on this screen and pay attention! You will not be able to stop as frequently.  They worked fine on a Chromebook when I tried this at home last night.****
    1. The Second Great Awakening - Part I
    2. The Second Great Awakening - Part II
    3. The Second Great Awakening - Part III
    4. Transcendentalism
  4. If you finish this, continue working on your vocab.  I have a very busy week planned for us, and I want to give you as much class time to complete these as possible.  
  5. This should really be the first thing, BUT BE GOOD and MAKE ME PROUD!!! 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week 11: Religion and Reform

This week, we will be learning more about reform movements that swept the country during the 19th century. Religious tent revivals.  Writers and artists with new looks on life.  The importance of education.  Reforming criminals.  Preserving the family through ridding life of alcohol.  Freeing slaves.  Giving women a voice.  All these things took root during this time, and grew into what we now know.  

Vocabulary (Google Slide)

  1. Second Great Awakening
  2. Evangelical
  3. Mormon
  4. Transcendentalist
  5. Public School Movement
  6. Penitentiary Movement
  7. Temperance Movement
  8. Freedmen
  9. Abolitionist Movement
  10. Gag Rule
  11. Seneca Falls Convention
  12. Suffrage
  13. Women's Movement
Monday 11.7: 4.6 Religious Awakening
Tuesday 11.8:  4.7 Reforming Society (MAKE SURE YOUR FAMILY VOTES!)
Wednesday 11.9:  4.8 Antislavery Movement
Thursday 11.10:  4.9 Women's Movement
Friday 11.11:  Honor those who are serving or have served our country!  Happy Veterans' Day!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 10: Andrew Jackson and Test

This week we will continue our work on researching Andrew Jackson.  You will research and write your paper, and we will have a mock trial to determine how we judge his actions.  You will also have a test on sections 4.1-4.5.

Vocabulary Words: Google Slide
1.  Jacksonian Democracy
2.  Spoils System
3.  Indian Removal Act
4.  Trail of Tears
5.  Tariff of Abomination
6.  Nullification
7.  Whig
8.  Exploit
9.  Advocate (n)

Monday: Professional Day

Tuesday/Wednesday:  Andrew Jackson Research Paper

Thursday:  Andrew Jackson Mock Trial

Friday:  Test on 4.1-4.5

*Second Block may be moved back a day.