Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 10: Andrew Jackson and Test

This week we will continue our work on researching Andrew Jackson.  You will research and write your paper, and we will have a mock trial to determine how we judge his actions.  You will also have a test on sections 4.1-4.5.

Vocabulary Words: Google Slide
1.  Jacksonian Democracy
2.  Spoils System
3.  Indian Removal Act
4.  Trail of Tears
5.  Tariff of Abomination
6.  Nullification
7.  Whig
8.  Exploit
9.  Advocate (n)

Monday: Professional Day

Tuesday/Wednesday:  Andrew Jackson Research Paper

Thursday:  Andrew Jackson Mock Trial

Friday:  Test on 4.1-4.5

*Second Block may be moved back a day.

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